Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog Week: 10 Things I Hate About You

**Hi Everyone! Sorry about posting these late!!! I was caught up in graduation festivities! My apologies. - Christina**

Ten things I hate about you, Diabetes (shout out to Julia Stiles)

Sometimes Diabetes, you seem like a bad (Heath Ledger looking) boyfriend….
1.       I hate that you are overly persistent.  No matter how many times I wish you away, you follow me around and pop up to remind me that you are still around
2.       I hate that you are unpredictable.  One day everything is great, the next day the same food/activity will send me crazy high or plummeting low. I mean come on, why can’t I just figure you out?
3.       I hate that you are constantly reminding me to take care of myself. Yes, I know this should come natural, but sometimes a girl just wants to eat some chocolate and have some wine and forget the world…except don’t forget diabetes or it could be a costly mistake
4.       I hate when you wake me up shaking in the night.  No, I really don’t want to get out of bed to feed a low or refill the pump. Really, I don’t.
5.       I hate that you nag me.  Between the dexcom and the pump rings, sometimes it seems like you just like to beep all day, just to remind me that you are around and need some loving.
6.       I hate that you are expensive.  I hate that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle I have to spend so much.  Especially right now when I’m making my budget. You just seem like a giant black hole sometimes.
7.       I hate it when you make me guilty.  When I get a bad blood sugar, or a whole day of bad sugars, or go and eat something I shouldn’t, I feel guilty for being unhealthy.  If you weren’t in my life, I probably wouldn’t feel so bad about that bad-mood brownie.
8.       I hate that you make me run on a schedule. I hate schedules, and am bad at them. And I hate having to figure out what/when/where I will eat and how much energy I will be spending.  Cant I just be spontaneous??
9.       I hate that can’t power through you. I’m the kind of person that likes to just suck it up and get through something. But you, you have ways of demanding attention.  I’ve had to learn that I can’t just power through a low, and that taking care of highs is important. And I hate it every time.
10.   I hate the most that I can’t hate you. Because I cannot change you, and if I hated you then I would hate myself and hate my life and never get anything done. So instead of spending time hating you, I’m trying to appreciate you in my life.  After all I have met some pretty cool people because of you…


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