Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blog Week: You Broke What???

Diabetes Bloopers Day: You broke what???

Alright, this one is only partly diabetes related, but it certainly pertains to a college lifestyle.

On the plane returning to school after Christmas break for my second semester of my Junior year of college I broke my Ipod.  Mildly irritating. 
The first day back at school my computer battery broke and I could no longer use my laptop unless plugged to the wall. More irritating. 
Tuesday I noticed that my Animus insulin pump was acting funny.  Finally at 11 at night I realized the problem, none of the buttons were working. VERY irritating, and scary.   I called the pump rep, she told me it would be mailed the next day. Out of frustration I threw my phone across the room.  It broke the screen.  I called my dad, who conveniently is a doctor and was able to call in a prescription for Lantus.  I called my older brother and him to drive me 20 minutes to another state to find a 24 hour pharmacy. 
Friday was meet day (I ran collegiate track). I had been nursing shin splints, but they didn’t hurt in the morning. So I raced anyways, on Lantus which was scary because I never had run without the pump.  Blood sugars did fine.  My leg broke, two bones at once. (just a partial fracture, so still walked around for 2 weeks).
2 weeks later and still not able to run, and hardly able to walk, they gave me crutches (no Xray mind you), and a bone scan. It snowed 7 inches, and I got carpal tunnel from crutching to class. Awesome.

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